Regions of Russia: Book about the youth of Russian abroad unveiled in Pskov
Presentation of the book by Rostislav Polchaninov entitled “The youth of Russian abroad. 1941–1951” was launched on June 10 at the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library.
The book familiarizes the reader with author’s memories and has a focus on life of the youth of Russian abroad before, during and after the World War II. It also includes several chapters dedicated to the time when Rostislav Polchaninov headed the youth association under the Pskov Orthodox Mission – 1943–1944.
The library has the author’s foundation, where letters and donations of Rostislav Polchaninov are being collected. Thus in 2006 he donated to the Pskov library unique manuscripts going back to 18th and 19th cc., pre-revolutionary books on the history of Pskov krai. Today the book’s author is living in the USA.