The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library signs Cooperation Agreement with Karelia

7 June 2010

On June 7 2010 in Petrozavodsk the Director General of the Presidential Library, Alexander P. Vershinin, and the Head of the Republic of Karelia, Sergei L. Katanandov, signed a Cooperation Agreement on setting up the Presidential library’s branch in the Republic. Karelia will become another region of Russia to officially join the program on foundation of the Presidential Library’s regional centers.

“By signing this agreement we lay the foundations for the gradual collaboration in the information area and creation of the Presidential Library’s regional center in the near future”, - Alexander P. Vershinin said at the end of the ceremony.

The signing of the agreement is timed to the celebration of the 90th foundation anniversary of the Republic of Karelia. Delegation of the Presidential library headed by the Director General was invited by the Head of the Republic of Karelia to participate in the ceremonial session and reception, dedicated to the anniversary.

In 2010 the Working group headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Karelia’s government was set up in Karelia in order to find out the share of already digitized documents and those, planned to be converted into the digital format.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of June 18 2007 branches of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library should be set up in every region of the Russian Federation.