Libraries of Russia: Best Librarian and Best Library of the Year announced in Perm

4 June 2010

Results of the professional competitions “Library of the Year - 2010” and “Librarian of the Year”, held in Perm krai, have been announced. The award ceremony took place within the framework of the 4th media-information festival "Books’ square" and was timed to the All-Russian Libraries’ Day.

The contest is called to render support, develop and encourage creative initiative among the librarians and improve the quality of library and information services in the region. The contest helps to promote innovations and new technologies in the work of libraries, as well as attract public attention to libraries and a profession of a librarian.

The competent jury recognized nine libraries of Perm krai. Among them in the category “Librarian-innovator” a title “Laureate of the krai’s contest “Librarian of the Year” was given to Svetlana Khaerzamanova, librarian of the A. S. Pushkin Central City Library. Whereas the V. G. Korolenko Regional library №13 was called the “Best City Library of the Year”.