Internet resources: Yandex – a key search engine for Russians
Romir Holding has recently released a poll which brought together 1 787 respondents. According to it “Yandex” turned out to be a principal search engine on the Internet for half of Russians.
30% of Russian users surf the Net with Google search engine, 8% prefer Mail.Ru, whereas 6% make use of Rambler. Besides the majority of Russians use several search engines: 49% of respondents browse the net via two services, 27% — make use of three and more at the same time, and only 22% of respondents remain loyal to an only one search engine at a time.
When choosing a search engine the most part of Internet users in Russia — 57% — look for convenience. For 47% of users correspondence between found results and an enquiry is vital, the same number of respondents take into consideration the popularity of a search engine. Only 35% of Russian Internet users are concerned with the speed of the search engine.
By the way, in late June for the first time within four years the share of “Yandex” on the Russian Internet search market made up 64,6%, what was 9,7% more as compared to December figure. Whereas its competitors lost ground. Thus the share of Mail.Ru went down 27% (December) and reached 7,3%. Rambler’s share equals mere 2,5% (the company has lost 11,8% of the market). And at last, Google’s share is 22%, though in December this figure was up 6%.
Experts claim that Yandex managed to consolidate its positions both due to the development of new technologies and marketing. In particular, Yandex has launched a new MatrixNet technology, which enhanced the quality of search. By developing market share, “Yandex” will be able to increase its proceeds to 5%. By the way in 2009 the company’s income amounted to 8,7 billion rubles.