IT: Last phase of priority domain names’ registration in .rf zone launched
The last phase of a priority domain names’ registration in Cyrillic .rf zone has been launched. Representatives of Mass Media and non-commercial organizations are welcome to register their websites.
The reception of applications for registration in the .rf zone resumed on July, 26 after a ten-day pause. The previous registration stage was closed on July 15. The last phase of the priority domain names’ registration will come to an end in October 2010.
The pause was made in order to consider all the amendments, introduced into the regulations of domains’ registration in Cyrillic .rf zone.
After a closure of a priority registration which is likely to happen in November 2010 domains will be put up for auction on free sale. More information about holding an auction is expected to be published in August.
Cyrillic domains’ registration kicked off in November 2009. Over 14,000 domain names have been already registered in the .rf zone.