Electronic Publishing: Russian Book Union supports eBooks’ introduction
After the RF President Dmitry A. Medvedev approved an initiative of the RF Minister of Culture regarding eReaders’ introduction to libraries, the Russian Book Union expressed its own opinion.
Firstly, it suggests tackling problematic issues related to copyright and content distribution. Another important and urgent task is general market regulation.
President of the Russian Book Union, Chairman of the RF Accounts Chamber Sergei Stepashin stressed the necessity to deal with the key questions in eBook market development. Not so long ago Stepashin delivered a speech at the session of the Public Committee for promotion of Russian libraries development, which took place in Tver.
Russian Book Union came up with an initiative to set up a Working group, which would bring together representatives of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Ministry of Culture, publishers and librarians. This group will be responsible for formulation of proposals on the principal legal aspects regarding a problem of eBooks, as well as their distribution. This problem is expected to attract attention on the part of the government.
Sergei Stepashin considers it impossible to stop the process of eBook development. He also highlighted that the number of Internet users and thus the number of eBooks’ readers was increasing, and it was important to deal with legal problems, regarding copyright protection. It is urgent to tackle issues of the general regulation of eBook market.
Among other topics discussed at the session was a project of creation of the National library resource. It is aimed at relations’ regulation between librarians and publishers, and what is more, provision of legal mediation between libraries and owners of copyright.