International organizations: Yerevan named World Book capital 2012
The capital of Armenia the city of Yerevan has been announced the World Book Capital 2012.
This decision was adopted by a selection committee, which consists of representatives from the three main international professional associations in the book industry and UNESCO.
Yerevan has become the twelfth city to be designated World Book capital starting from 2001. The capital of Armenia was chosen due to the high quality and diversity of suggested programs, which are “elaborate, down-to-earth, rooted in the social fabric of the city, focused both on the universal aspects, and all the stakeholders involved in the book industry”, - highlighted the committee.
“I congratulate the city of Yerevan, which has submitted an interesting program, which covers a wide range of issues, including the freedom of expression, as well as a variety of events for children, who will become readers and authors of tomorrow”, - said Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General. “Bringing together representatives of all industries of book publishing and book trade, from authors and publishers to printers and editors, will ensure Yerevan major success. Its program will be remembered for long”, - she highlighted.