Libraries of Russia: 7th All-Russian School of Young Librarian kicks off in Pyatigorsk

7 July 2010

The 7th All-Russian School of a Young Librarian called “Library and youth: talk on equal footing” was launched in Pyatigorsk. The event brought together more than 60 young librarians from different regions of Russia. The annual School of a Young Librarian has been initiated by the Russian Library Association Section “Youth Libraries of Russia”, the Russian Library Association Section “Youth in libraries”, the Russian State Library for Youth, and the Stavropol Krai Youth library, which became the event’s key organizer.

The following thematic blocks were introduced within the framework of the “School”: “Youth reads: from crisis - to the development”, “Beyond stereotypes: problems of library communication”, “Virtual civilization: new library to the new generation”.

The multifaceted program included series of training events aimed at development of leadership qualities and communicative skills of young specialists, an ability to hold conversation on urgent topics with young people; as well as business games, providing methods of library activities for the work with the youth.

For the participants of the “School” the organizers prepared a cultural program: excursion to Pyatigorsk called “Pyatigorsk – multiconfessional and multinational”, walk around Lermontov’s places, an excursion to the Mikhail Lermontov house-museum, tours to parks of Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk, and waterfalls in Kabardino-Balkaria etc.

Such events are considered extremely useful for young specialists. These meetings provide a unique opportunity to meet with colleagues from other regions, get new knowledge, share expertise, and broaden horizons.