IT and law: Internet becomes a basic right in Finland

6 July 2010
Source: "Compulenta"

Finland has become the first country in the world to make access to broadband Internet as a basic right of its citizens.

From 1 July all telecom companies will be obliged to provide all residents with broadband lines that can run at a minimum 1Mbps speed, with a goal of a 100 Mbps connection by 2015.

“We considered the role of the Internet in Finns everyday life, — Finland’s Communication Minister Suvi Linden clarified. — To be more precise, the role of Internet services, which are no longer just entertainment. Finland has worked hard to develop an information society, but it turned out that not everyone had Internet access. It is unacceptable!”

It is believed up to 96% of the population are already online and that only about 4,000 homes still need connecting to comply with the law.

The poll, conducted in the beginning of the year, showed that: 79% of people worldwide consider that Internet access is a basic right of a person.