Internet resources: Gulag Museum to go online

2 July 2010

A museum of Gulag and terror will be launched on Internet on June 29 in St. Petersburg.

According to the director of the “Memorial” information center Irina Flinge, the virtual museum will represent a database, providing documents on the history of Gulag. The website will enable Internet users to find the addresses of mass burial places of victims of repressions, places of shootings, materials on the history of monuments to victims. What is more the website will mount collections of museums, which study this page in history. Each exhibit is followed by an annotation.

“Already now the website brings together about a hundred of museums. Each and every day it will deliver more and more information”, – Irina Flinge remarked.

The work on the resource creation has been being carried out since 2004. During the last year the project’s developers concentrated their efforts on data systematization, accumulated both in Russia and abroad, and creation of a convenient database. The project’s mission is to shed the light on that page in history for the general public.