Information technology: Russian e-readers market grows rapidly

30 August 2010

Sales of e-readers continue to increase rapidly in Russia. In 2010 440 000 of the devices will be sold according to analysts of J’son & Partners Consulting research company. Prices of readers will not go down until 2011 when the competition between the producers will get really hard.

J’son & Partners Consulting has published a new research of the Russian market of e-readers – devices for reading electronic books. According to analysts this market remains to be the most rapidly growing one in the sector of portative equipment. In 2007 annual sales of e-readers in Russia amounted to thousands, in 2008 there were 60 000 sold and in 2009 in spite of the crisis the national market sold about 250 000 of the devices.

It is estimated that this kind of growth will remain during the current year since there were already 180 000 e-readers sold in the first half-year of 2010.

In June retail prices for the most popular models of e-readers amounted to 8 000 – 16.500 rubles. J’son & Partners Consulting believes that in 2011 the prices will go down significantly.