Presidential Library to open “Geography: Gems of Russia” exhibition

29 August 2010

On September 1, 2010 Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library is opening the “Geography: Gems of Russia” exhibition.

The exhibition is timed for the Day of Knowledge celebration in the Presidential Library. It opens the “Territory of Russia in digital space” project. The Library declares the geography of Russia the subject of the forthcoming school year, - says Dr. E. Zhabko, Director Deputy for information resources.

The core of the exposition is represented by editions from the printed collection of the Presidential Library. The exhibits are presented as usually in paper and electronic forms. The visitors can “turn over the pages” of “Journey across different province of the Russian Empire” by P. S. Pallas, “Journey all over Russia” by S. G. Gmelin, prints from “Description of Kamchatka Land” by traveler S. P. Krasheninnikov, make “rustle” the maps composed by G. Shelikhov.

The exhibition highlights rare editions on geography and history of reclamation of the Russian territory. In the showcases of exhibition halls one can find “Notes on Muscovy” by Sigismund von Herberstein – one of the first complete descriptions of Russia, a work by Adam Olearius “The description of journey to Muscovy and via Muscovy to Persia and back”, research works by travelers, geographers and naturalists such as N. M. Przhevalsky, P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, G. E. Grumm-Grzhimaylo.

The materials on the history of research on Arctic and Antarctic, Northern Sea Route and people who tracked it are presented in a particular section. These include also the books on the legendary steamer “Chelyuskin” and ice-breaker “George Sedov”.

Owing to a large number of rare maps, images of flora and fauna, photographs, original picturesque views of Russia the exposition will be interesting for specialists as well as for amateurs. Scientific libraries of the Russian State Pedagogical University, of the North-West Academy of Civil Service and the Russian State Historical Archive provided their materials for the exhibition.

The territory of Russia has always attracted Russian and foreign researchers. Siberia, Far East, Middle Asia, Caucasus are unique regions with a rich history of lands’ reclamation and inimitable natural complex. They deserve to bear the name of gems of Russia.