Libraries of Russia: Barnaul librarians conduct a poll “Why do we love our home town”

6 August 2010

“Why do we love our home town” — is the name of the poll recently launched at the libraries of Barnaul to mark the 280th foundation anniversary of the capital of Altai krai.

Survey’s organizers claim that its first results appear to be quite interesting.

The poll indicates that around 30% of patrons are convinced that patriotic attitude towards the home town is perfectly embodied in glorification of its beauties in literature and art. About 20% of respondents believe that Barnaul patriotism is expressed in active participation in business and commerce. So far 15% of participants voted for an active participation in all the city events held at libraries, schools and museums.

Another survey is called to reveal the level of citizens’ interest to the history and culture of Barnaul. Among current leaders are those who take an interest in the history of architecture and problems of today’s architectural image of the home town. On the second place are respondents interested in famous citizens of Barnaul, who brought the fame to this city.

Respondents were asked to include aspects of Barnaul’s cultural life, they express an interest in, into the questionnaire. The range of interests proves wide – covering musical life of krai’s capital, development of cultural sector and environmental issues. Results of the poll will be considered while planning the work of municipal libraries next year.