Internet and culture: Peterhof fountains online

4 August 2010

Two months ago the State Peterhof Museum Reserve announced about the launch of 24/7 live transmissions of its fountains available worldwide. The World capital of fountains summed up the first results of the season which was opened in the end of May.

It was then that the official website of the State Peterhof Museum Reserve for the first time mounted a live webcast of a grand opening ceremony of a summer season. Visitors of the website now have a chance to enjoy the views of fountains of the Grand Cascade, “Samson” and the Grand Palace online round-the-clock.

Within this time Peterhof was virtually attended by more than 68 500 peoplt, who watched the webcasts about 600 000 times. The most part of the virtual viewers “come” from Russia – 81%, the rest are guests from the United States, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, Israel, the UK, Finland, Moldavia, Italy, Canada, Estonia, Sweden, France, Japan and other countries.