Regions of Russia: Pskov oblast’s cultural heritage to get integrated into the regional social and economic development

1 August 2010

Implementation of a program aimed at preservation of Pskov oblast’s historical and cultural heritage will enable to fully integrate it into the social and economic development of the region, reported Alexander Golyshev, acting Chairman of the Pskov oblast State Committee on Culture. "When speaking about the social and economic development, first and foremost, we mean the development of tourism and we believe that in this context our heritage has all the chances to become one of the key constituents of a specific economics, which will enable oblast to advance", - he explained.

Alexander Golyshev stressed that it was for the first time that such a specialized program was adopted in Pskov oblast. The program stipulates a complex approach for protection and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage. What is more, it is based on the norms of the Federal law, which specifies new approaches in protection of monuments.

According to Alexander Golyshev, the program consists of 7 sections. One of them is an arrangement of state protection of cultural heritage objects. It involves detection of monuments, their inventory and monitoring, creation of regional legislation on monuments’ protection. Among other plans is creation of a single register of all the region’s cultural heritage objects, what will become possible due to making passports, identification of territories’ boarders, arrangement of a historical and cultural expertise, and introduction of information labels. Another section is a guarantee of objects’ preservation, which deals with restoration works and rescue and archaeological excavations.

He believes that the creation of a single database, supposed to include all the monuments and enable citizens to access this information, is a brand new step. The fifth section is called "Scientific and educational potential". "Not only should the monument live and nourish the economics, but it should be actively used in educational purposes” – explained the acting Chairman of the Pskov oblast State Committee on Culture.