History of Russia abroad: Brazil celebrates the Day of Baptism of Rus for the first time

1 August 2010
Source: Interfax

Celebrations dedicated to the memory day of Saint Prince Vladimir – the Baptizer of Rus, for the first time kicked off in Brazil with the support of local authorities.

Festivities were launched on July 28 in the center of the city Campina das Missões (the state of Rio Grande do Sul) in the square named after Saint Vladimir, Priest Dionisiy Kazantsev, rector of the local perish announced.

The square was consecrated in October 1987 by the Archbishop Lazarus (Shvets), who is now Metropolitan of Simferopol and the Crimea.

After the service conducted by Father Dionisiy, was mounted a concert by a group of dancers “Troika” which performed a Russian folk dance program, followed by a celebration lunch.