Regions of Russia: 7th All-Russian session of officials of information services for culture and art launched in Volgograd

22 September 2010

7th All-Russian session of officials of information services for culture and art “Library-information technologies and resources of Rosinformkultura (Russian System of Scientific and Information Maintenance of Cultural Activity) in the context of cultural policy development” kicked off on September 22 2010 in Volgograd marking the 110th anniversary of M. Gorky  Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific library. Working sessions will bring together specialists of Culture Departments from many RF regions, krai, regional and municipal libraries, universities’ lecturers, directors of theatres, museums, archives, information centers’ representatives, as well as guests from the USA, Germany, Denmark and Kazakhstan. It is for the first time that the problem of information maintenance of regional cultural policy will be discussed by such a large number of specialists.

The session has been jointly organized by the Russian State Library jointly and the M. Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific library with support of the RF Ministry of Culture and Committee for Culture of the Volgograd Oblast Administration.

Participants will turn the spotlight on strategies of development of information-cultural environment in regions and utilization of electronic resources in this region.

Discussion will cover the following topics: the library-information maintenance of culture development programs and preservation of cultural heritage in regions of Russia; executive authorities in context of development of region’s information-cultural sphere; information activities’ maintenance at libraries; information partnership and cooperation between information services for culture and art and institutions of culture, science and education sectors; resources of the scientific-information center for culture and art “Informkultura” in the context of cultural policy development in regions.