Internet resources: Yandex-Obninsk – new search algorithm
“Yandex” has released a new search algorithm called “Obninsk”, which is aimed to meet “geo-independent” queries, reads the company’s official blog.
“Obninsk” will be used for ranking search results, made without geographical linking. The share of such “geo-independent” queries makes up to 70% of the total number of users’ inquiries submitted to the search engine.
According to “Yandex”, the size of the new formula for websites’ ranking has increased 2,5 times as compared to the previous version and now reaches 280 Mbyte. For instance, in 2006 the size of this formula, which is used for arrangement of search results’ list, equaled 0,02 kbyte.
It is worth mentioning that the name “Obninsk” was chosen not by chance. The previous search program of the leading search engine of Russia was called “Konakovo”, therefore the name of the next algorithm was to start with a letter “O” (the game “towns”, where participants should name a town which starts with the last letter of the previous one).