International events: International Museum Forum opens in Kazan

13 September 2010

International Museum Forum will kick off in the capital of Tatarstan September 14 - 18 2010. A large-scale event is timed to 115th anniversary of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The capital of Tatarstan will bring together museum élite from Russia and Near Abroad. The city of Kazan has not been chosen by accident – Tatarstan is actively developing projects in culture and tourism sector. The republic has been implementing a targeted state policy in culture sector, many large-scale projects aimed at protection and revival of unique monuments of cultural and historical heritage have been being undertaken.

This International Museum Forum is very important for Tatarstan and its capital city: within the framework of sections top of the agenda will be urgent problems connected with cultural heritage, the role of museums in development of society. In the spotlight of discussions will be the role of regional museums, which represent the history of the multi-national Russian state.

On September 14 a plenary session of the International scientific and practical conference “Museum and society: model integration models” will be launched under the chairmanship of Mikhail Piotrovsky, Doctor of Historical Sciences, President of the Union of Museums of Russia, Director of the Russian State Hermitage Museum.