Regions of Russia: Pushkin Library-Museum hosts a meeting with an author of the book about patron-saint of Belgorod

13 September 2010

In the beginning of September series of events were launched in Belgorod to celebrate 305th birthday anniversary of Saint Joasaphus of Belgorod.

Five years ago, in order to mark 300th birthday anniversary of Saint Joasaphus, the Pushkin Library-Museum prepared a richly-decorated guide entitled “Visit to Joasaphus’s places of Saint Belogorye”.

The guide was compiled by the researcher of the Pushkin library, honorary citizen of the city of Belgorod Alexander Krupenkov. He also participated in creation of a fundamental “History of Belgorod diocese”, which also contained a great deal of information about the Saint Joasaphus.

On September 8 the book’s author met with pupils of Belgorod school № 28 and students of the State University of Belgorod Pedagogical Faculty. He told the participants about the work under the creation of the book “Saint Joasaphus of Belgorod”, where he collected rare materials about the saint.

This book was published in 2000 and became the first fundamental research work, dedicated to the patron saint of Belogorye. Its authors (Alexandr Nikolayevich and his father, Nikolai Philippovich) were awarded with the All-Russian literary award “Prokhorov field”.

The book was illustrated by Vladimir Kozmin, famous artist from Belgorod, whose works, including those about Saint Joasaphus of Belgorod and old Belgorod, are housed at the Pushkin Library-Museum.

Visitors of the library-museum had a chance to familiarize themselves with a book exhibition “Patron Saint of Belgorod”, timed to the anniversary of Saint Joasaphus, and a popular-science film about the saint, shot with participation of A. N. Krupenkov.