International conferences: International scientific conference “Divided Eastern Europe”

4 September 2010
Source: "REGNUM"

International scientific conference “Divided Eastern Europe: transfer of borders and peoples, 1938-1947”, organized by the “Historical Memory” Foundation took place on September 2-3 2010 in Lvov (Ukraine). The event attracted historians from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Germany, Poland, Norway and Israel.

The conference turned the spotlight on one of the most tragic periods in the history of the Eastern Europe. On the eve of World War II Eastern Europe was a region, whose countries had serious territorial claims to each other. National boundaries divided peoples then. Ukrainians and Belarusians were among the divided nations. From 1938 all these numerous intergovernmental and interethnic conflicts suddenly became particularly acute. Participants of the conference “Divided Eastern Europe” brought into focus international and legal aspects of changing national boundaries in 1938-1947, forced population transfers, ethnic conflicts and the aftermath.

“We hope that our conference will promote a deeper study of the tragic history of the Eastern Europe in ’30s and ’40s of 20th c.", - reported one of the conference’s organizers.