IT and Society: Social network brings together young scientists of Northwest Russia

22 October 2010

The Regional Information Analytical System (RIAS) for young scientists and specialists of the Northwest of Russia has been successfully tested and is ready to become a part of already existing National Information Analytical System, set up under the aegis of the Council for Science, Technologies and Education under the President of Russia, announced Mikhail Chezhin, one of the RIAS developers, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg State University Center of Distance Education, Candidate of Technical Sciences, during the press conference in St. Petersburg on October 20.

He stressed that RIAS was created on the order and on the means of the Ministry of Education and Sciences and was developed not only as a social interaction network for young scientists, but also as a possibility for potential employers to find specialists and developments for high-tech industries. On this portal young scientists will learn about job opportunities, grants and subsidies. Such networks are supposed to appear in other federal districts as well. So far the Northwest Russia RIAS has registered about 300 users, mainly Petersburg young scientists.