International events: Post-Soviet states representatives discuss the common history in Moscow

21 October 2010

The International conference “Non-conflict reading of common history – the basis of good-neighbor policy” was launched on October 20 2010 in the Academy of Educational Workers Training and Professional Retraining in Moscow.

The report “Baltic States and Central Asia as a part of the Russian Empire and the USSR: myths of modern textbooks of post-Soviet states and the reality of socio-economic calculations” was delivered at the conference.

“Joint participation of scholars and public figures of the younger and older generations in the discussion provides an opportunity on the basis of the common historical past comprehension to formulate in the best way the principles of future guidelines for building social peace in former Soviet Union states, as well as outline approaches to a further cooperation, friendship and good neighborly relations between peoples” – organizers claim.

The discussion brought together representatives from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Transdniestria, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia. The event has attracted over 150 historians and sociologists, public figures and political scientists.