Presidential library: Third session of the russian-american Working group kicks off in the USA

20 October 2010

The third session of the russian-american Working group on library cooperation will be held on October 21 2010. The Russian delegation is presided over by V.I. Kozhin, Head of the Department of Presidential Affairs, the head of the American delegation is Dr. James H. Billington, Librarian of the Library of Congress.

The Russian delegation brings together library experts, specialists of Russian national libraries. The American delegation includes representatives of national library community. During the session will be continued the work within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation, signed between Director-General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library professor A. P. Vershinin and the Librarian of the Library of Congress Dr. James H. Billington.

On July 2 2007 Presidents of the Russian Federation and the USA reached an agreement on library cooperation: was adopted a decision on foundation of the russian-american Working group on library cooperation.

The second session of the russian-american Working group on library cooperation took place on October 15 2009 at the Presidential library.