IT and society: Russians are second enthusiastic social media surfers

14 October 2010
Source: Ruformator

According to analytics, 8,1 hours — is the time an average Russian spends on social networking websites.

Market research firm TNS tried to find out where lived the most enthusiastic users of social networking.

The heaviest users of social networking turned out to live in Malaysia, where they spend nine hours per week, Russia with 8,1 hours and Turkey with 7,7 hours per week.

What is more, Malaysians have most social network friends, averaging 233, closely followed by Brazilians with 231. The least social are the Japanese with just 29 friends and Tanzanians with 38.

As to blogging, four out of five online users in China and over half of those in Brazil have written their own blog or forum entry, compared to only 32 percent in the US.

Users of Western Europe and the United States, as a rule, are less enthusiastic social media surfers as compared to developing countries.

The survey launched by TNS research firm brought together over 50 000 people worldwide.