Internet resources: “Scientists and inventors of Russia” project goes online

8 October 2010
Source: Lenta.Ru

A new project called "Scientists and inventors of Russia" which brings together biographies of fifty most prominent scientists of Russia, and selection of interesting facts about their life and work, has been launched on Internet.

Up to late November users will have an opportunity to nominate Russian scholars, who on some reasons did not enter the list, for inclusion.

What is more, users may vote in favor of their favorite scholars. The number of votes defines the scholar’s place in the list. Apart from the rating, the new website provides access to the photo gallery of Russian scientists, as well as essays, submitted by users within the framework of according contest.

“Scientists and inventors of Russia” project has been mounted by Intel Corp. and SKCG agency. Its partners are the Polytechnic Museum, the Lomonosov Moscow State University and website.