IT and authority: Russia and Mexico will develop cooperation in information technologies

6 October 2010

At the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference Russia and Mexico announced the intentions to develop the cooperation in communications and information technologies. Russian Minister of Telecommunications and Mass Media Igor Shchegolev and Mexican Minister of Communications and Transport Juan Molinar signed a corresponding Memorandum of Mutual Understanding on October 5 2010.

Making comments on the newly-signed document, Molinar mentioned about the great prospects of development of bilateral relations. "Russia – is one of major technological powers in the world and has always remained such a country in telecommunications, Russia is a pioneer of satellite technologies and has a vast potential which may prove very useful for Mexico", - the Minister noted.

Igor Shchegolev in his turn told that Russia had good prospects for the development of cooperation with Mexico in information and communication technologies. Among the trends for cooperation he mentioned an access to communication services for residents of Mexican remote regions, and also the development of the “e-government” technologies, and rendering of electronic and mobile services.

The memorandum offers more opportunities for broader cooperation between the television companies of two countries, particularly taking into account a growing flow of tourists from Russia to the Latin American country. "We hope that cooperation will boost activities of Russian companies on the Mexican market, and companies from Mexico will receive additional information on the opportunities in Russia", - the Minister remarked.

Within the framework of the International Telecommunications Union Plenipotentiary Conference underway in Guadalajara, which has brought together about 2 thousand delegates from 122 countries, the Russian delegation headed by Igor Shchegolev is planning to hold negotiations with representatives of other countries.