Regions of Russia: Conference “War of the Past, Peace of the Future: international view” kicked off in Vladivostok

5 October 2010

Within the framework of the 65th anniversary of World War II end celebration a conference entitled “War of the Past, Peace of the Future: international view” was launched at the office of the “Russkiy Mir” Foundation Far-Eastern branch. The event was organized by the Center of Tolerance of the Far-Eastern State University (DVGU) with the support of the Far-Eastern State University Institute of International Education and the foundation’s branch.

The conference brought together senior pupils and teachers of secondary schools of Vladivostok, students from the People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, the United States, representatives of the military-patriotic club at the Far-Eastern State University, and workers of the Far-Eastern branch of “Russkiy Mir” Foundation.

Formation of the view on the course and significance of World War II in the eyes of representatives of different nationalities, imparting a feeling of pride to the feat of arms performed by ancestors to the modern youth, became key aims of the conference. Students and pupils, representatives of different peoples, assessed the events of the war, losses and accomplishments of different countries during the war in their own way. Participants turned the spotlight on contemporary threats which jeopardize global security and international stability.

Modern generation are forgetting about the feat of our ancestors, who heroically struggled for the well-being of the Fatherland and defended this world for the future of their descendants – this is a conclusion that can be made on the basis of the conference’s results. In order to deal with this problem, preserve the memory about those tragic events and sacrifices made for peace, it is vital to remind people more often about our debt to those who passed away and hold similar events, which enable people not only to preserve this memory, but also pass it to future generations.