Russian culture abroad: Book by Professor of Russian language and literature from the United States unveiled in St. Petersburg
Presentation ceremony of the book “Chuzelyubiye” (“Love to an Alien”) by Professor, Ph.D. Omry Ronen, researcher of history, theory of poetry and hermeneutics of Russian language and literature, was launched on October 1 2010 at the Anna Akhmatova Museum at the Fountain House in St. Petersburg.
The event was organized by the readers’ club “Kulturnaya stolitsa” (“Cultural capital”) and the literary monthly journal “Zvezda” (“The Star”). The book entitled “Chuzhelyubiye” came out in 2010 in the publishing house of “Zvezda” journal in St. Peterburg.
Professor of the University of Michigan, Omry Ronen has graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Harvard University. He is an author of studies on history, theory of poetry and hermeneutics of Russian language and literature, in particular explications to the poems of Osip Mandelstam, as well as works in the area of comparative literature. He is an author of such books as “The Fallacy of the Silver Age in 20th century Russian Literature” (Russian: “Serebryanyi vek kak umysel i vymysel”) and “The Poetics of Osip Mandelstam” (Russian: “Poetika Osipa Mandelstama”).