History of Russia: Festival of historical re-enactment clubs “Tver princedom” kicks off in Tver

2 October 2010
Source: MK.ru

Festival of historical re-enactment clubs “Tver princedom” will kick off on October 2 2010 in Tver.

The festival’s organizers are the “Druzhina” public organization, the Tver City Administration and Tver Oblast Committee for the Youth Affairs. The event will attract re-enactors from Tver, Moscow, Minsk, Ryazan, Velikiy Novgorod and Gzhel.

The “Tver princedom” Festival has one characteristic feature which distinguishes it from other similar historical events – it re-enacts events spanning I - XX cc. For instance, the “Squad soldiers” will perform a sword fight, whereas the equestrian sport club “Stanitsa” from Vyshniy Volochyok will act out horse fights, the “RKKA” club will display the Red Army’s uniform of the Great Patriotic War, and the “White wolves” folklore club will re-enact a traditional Russian style of hand-to-hand fight called “buza”.