Regions of Russia: Computer literacy center launched in Magnitogorsk

2 October 2010

Within the framework of the “Your course” initiative launched by Microsoft, the Magnitogorsk State University has unveiled a computer literacy center. At the new center residents of Magnitogorsk and oblast will have a chance to evaluate their computer literacy knowledge and skills, and improve their IT command.

The opening ceremony attracted representatives of the city administration, employment agencies, the University of Humanities and Microsoft executives in Ural Federal District. City enterprises are actively developing, aiming at automization of all processes, therefore region is in urgent need of qualified personnel, who have a good command of Information and Communication Technologies. Opening of an educational center which is intended to offer people all the necessary knowledge, will streamline the city economy.

The new center in Magnitogorsk will offer free training of computer literacy basics. Courses are called to help vulnerable groups of society (unemployed, invalids and pensioners) to master Information and Communication Technologies, find a proper job and preserve a positive attitude to life. 

By the end 2010 more than 20 centers are expected to be opened across Russia to provide population training. To date there are 117 computer literacy centers operating in 77 cities. Within the framework of the All-Russian “Your course” initiative launched by Microsoft during three years over 1 million people will have a chance to improve their computer command. At you may test your knowledge, get recommendations and choose an appropriate training course.