Russian culture abroad: Russia joins the expo-fair of languages and cultures in Berlin

21 November 2010

The International exhibition-fair of languages and cultures “Expolingua-2010” is being held on November 19 - 21 2010 in Berlin.

Within the framework of the Federal target program “Russian language 2006–2010” the International Education Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University jointly with the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin founded the united Russian pavilion.

The Russian pavilion is holding presentations of the Russian education, Russian teaching and learning programs, presentations of educational programs of Russian universities.  What is more, here are represented the International Association of Teachers of Russian language and Literature, the Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, the Association of German Teachers of Russian Language and Literature and German projects which support the Russian language and culture in the youth environment.

During the exhibition on November 20 were launched a scientific and practical seminar “Urgent aspects of teaching Russian language as a foreign” (the Moscow State University), innovation programs, roundtable sessions for teachers and the Internet conference.