Regions of Russia: Teleconference focuses on ethnocultural development of Russian Germans

18 November 2010

On November 18 2010 the Omsk Regional Access Center to the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library’s information resources launched a teleconference “Moscow – Omsk - Kislovodsk”.

The teleconference has been organized within the framework of the work of the All-Russian Youth Camp of Russian Germans Activists “Vanguard of the Future” based on the results of implementation of projects targeted at ethnocultural development of Russian Germans in 2010 in three regions of the Russian Federation – Moscow, Stavropol Krai (Kislovodsk) and Omsk Oblast (Omsk).

The teleconference brought together federal executive bodies, authorities of the RF regions and local government bodies, deputies of the State Duma, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, heads of the Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of Russian Germans, regional and local national and cultural autonomies of Russian Germans, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Russian Federation. As for Omsk Oblast, the teleconference attracted public and municipal officials, scientists and cultural workers, public figures.

Teleconference participants discussed issues connected with rendering support to research projects, projects in the sphere of ethnocultural development of Russian Germans, self-organization of Russian Germans and involvement of government into these processes.