Russian language abroad: Morocco holds Russian language celebrations

15 November 2010

On November 8 - 13 2010, Morocco, were held the events timed to the Russian language holiday, which took place within the framework of the 1st International Festival of the Russian Language.

Russian language specialists and philologists from Moscow and St. Petersburg launched series of lectures, roundtable discussions, master classes in the capital of Rabat, as well as in other major cities - Fes, Casablanca and El Jadida.

During the celebrations in Rabat were launched a Russian song competition and quizzes for the knowledge of Russian culture, literature and history which defined the winners, who are going to the final of the Russian language Festival in St. Petersburg in October 2011.

Nikolai Sukhov, Director of the Russian Center of Science and Culture, underscores that the important result of meetings has become “an agreement in principle, reached between the Moroccan party and the A.S. Pushkin State Russian language Institute, the Russian language and Culture Institute of the St. Petersburg State University, as well as the Russian Center of Science and Culture concerning the opening of the Russian language Department at the Faculty of Humanities, State University of Rabat”.