Internet resources: “Sovarkh” website – Soviet architecture on Internet

12 November 2010
Source: Ruformator

“Sovarkh” website – is the first non-profit electronic resource which turns the light on the architecture of the Soviet Union and socialist architecture of other countries of the world.

“Sovarkh” – is a project of a directory on Soviet architecture of public and residential purpose. This is a catalogue of various houses – residential, administrative and memorial. The search can be based either on the cities, areas within the city and, finally, streets.

One of the website sections, “Architects”, gives access to the list and biographies of people who participated in construction of “neoclassicism” of the Soviet time. It doesn’t only provide information concerning architects, but also constructors, and project organizations.

The website also offers the section which provides links to other resources, related to the subject. Sometimes they refer to it remotely, for instance, there is an article about painting of an old house or Internet resource about Azerbaijan.

Not a lesser interest will attract the section “Projects” – which brings into focus the buildings, which were expected to be erected, but for some reasons were not completed. “Photos” section unveils old photographs of the cities, mostly, Moscow.