IT and Society: Strategy for IT development comes into focus in Moscow

10 November 2010
Source: RIA News

The strategy for IT development in Russia and prospects of their implementation in the govt sector are high on the agenda at the CNews Forum 2010, which opened on November 10 2010 in Moscow.

“The key purpose of the CNews Forum – is to cast the light on the changes which take place in development trends of information and communication technologies in Russia, define prospects of the industry. In particular, participants will focus their attention on strategic directions in “eGovt” foundation in Russia, expertise in providing eGovt services to citizens” – reads the press release of forum’s organizers.

The forum’ program includes meetings of five sections – “Cyber security”, “IT in banks”, “Open-source software” (OSS), “IT in govt sector” and “Cloud technologies”.

The event has attracted over 1300 people, including representatives of RF Government, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Federal State Statistics Service and Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of Russia.