Memory of Russia: Children’s paintings put on show in St. Michael’s Castle

6 November 2010

Exhibition “Victory” of children’s paintings kicked off on November 3 2010 in St. Petersburg in the St. Michael’s Castle. It puts on display works by winners of the contest, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The exposition displays 110 paintings by children aged 5 - 17, who study at lyceums, gymnasiums, comprehensive and art schools, palaces, houses and centers of creativity, various creative studios and clubs of St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Vologda and Murmansk oblasts, Magnitogorsk, Tver, Kazan, and the Republic of North Ossetia.

Within the framework of the exhibition its young visitors will meet with war veterans, people of besieged Leningrad, restorers of palaces, parks and museum values. The exhibition is open up to November 19.