Memory of Russia: Exhibition “Tsarskoye Selo – town of military traditions”

5 November 2010

The Exhibition “Tsarskoye Selo – town of military traditions” timed to the 300th anniversary of Tsarskoye Selo and 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War has opened in Tsarkoye Selo.

The State Museum “Collection of Tsarskoye Selo” will put on show works by many prominent artists.

Tsarskoye Selo is closely connected with the life and work of many outstanding commanders and military leaders. Peter the Great, General Field Marshal P.A. Rumyantsev and Generalissimos A.V. Suvorov used to come here. Sessions of the “Conference of the Highest Court”, which settled the issues of war and peace were held in Tsarskoye Selo. Here were brought keys to conquered cities and trophies.

Along with 18th -19th cc. monuments of the military glory Tsarskoye Selo is notable for monuments of the Great Patriotic War, displaying an inseparable link of generations, continuity of military traditions of the Russian Army and Navy.