Presidential library: East View Information Services Inc. launches Full-Text Database of Russian Periodicals

1 November 2010

Within November 1 - 30 2010 the East View Information Services, Inc. and its official partner in Russia IVIS Ltd. are launching a free trial test access period to 38 electronic databases, which include:

- “Pravda” (“Truth”) newspaper digital archive (1912 - 2009);

- a complete archive of “Voprosy Istorii” journal (“Issues of the History”) (1926 - 2010) and “Vestnik Evropy” journal (“Herald of Europe”) (1802 - 1830);

- central and regional press of Russia (130 sources);

- over 80 academic journals of leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, among them: “Gosudarstvo i Pravo” (“State and Law”), “Novaya i Noveishaya istoriya” (“Early Modern and Contemporary History”), “Voprosy Filosofii” (“Issues of Philosophy”) etc;

- editions on librarianship, official publications of public authorities of the Russian Federation, The Moscow University Heralds and many others.

You can access databases in the Electronic Reading Room in its opening time.