Museums: Exhibition “90th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service” in Moscow

23 December 2010

On December 22 2010 the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow opened an exhibition “90th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service”, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

The exposition puts on display 39 colorful informative posters, the portrait gallery of prominent intelligence agents painted by the St. Petersburg artist I.N. Dementyev; rare photographs; historic relics, interesting exhibits, books and video films on the history of foreign intelligence service, awards, including a new medal, specially issued to mark 90th foundation anniversary of the service. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Archive has provided copies of authentic, recently declassified documents.

Among the exhibits there is a typewriter and a coat which belonged to Kim Philby; Rudolf Abel’s guitar; the uniform of the Committee for State Security’s officer of the 1950s and other articles and private belongings of famous intelligence agents.

The exposition gives a good chance to trace the milestones of foundation, development and activities of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service from its first steps up to present day. The exhibition is working up to February 23 2011.