IT and Authority: E-Document Workflow system “Yevfrat” implemented
The CIS Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation (MFGS) has launched introduction of the e-document workflow and business process automation system “Yevfrat”. For the project’s implementation license was bought for simultaneous work of 35 users. The system will be implemented by the Fund’s specialists.
MFGS was founded in 2006 and stays for an interstate non-profit organization, which supports interdisciplinary projects intended for development of cooperation between CIS member-states in areas of education, science, culture, Mass Media and Communications, sport, tourism and work with the youth. Since 2007 over 200 projects in these areas have been implemented with the support of the Fund.
To enhance effectiveness of MFGS’s work the fund’s board took decision to introduce an e-document workflow system. After evaluation of several software products, available in the Russian market, MFGS’s auditors chose “Yevfrat” system. The “Yevfrat” system is currently being in the test mode and final adjustment. It is planned that after the system’s introduction there will be founded an integrated e-document archive, automated record keeping of incoming and outgoing correspondence, as well as an organized internal workflow.
Implementation of “Yevfrat” system in MFGS will boost the Fund’s document workflow, as well as decrease by 5-6 times the time spent on routine operations with documents (registration, search) and significantly improve the executive discipline of the staff. As a result the document processing speed will increase by 2-3 times.