International events: Forum “Role of public diplomacy in enhancing international humanitarian cooperation” in Moscow

16 December 2010

International public forum “Role of public diplomacy in enhancing international humanitarian cooperation” is taking place on December 16-17 2010 in Moscow.

The purpose of the forum is to join efforts of interested public organizations and NGOs, foreign partners, aimed at promotion of public diplomacy, development and consolidation of interethnic and interreligious harmony, friendship and mutual understanding between peoples, and work out recommendations which would favor consolidation of forces, standing for peace and harmony on the planet.

The initiative of holding this forum was supported by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

Forum is timed to the upcoming 85th foundation anniversary of the All-Soviet Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VOKS) – an organization which worked its way from the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD), Russian Agency for International Cooperation and Development (RAMSiR), Russian Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Roszarubezhcentr) up to the Federal Agency on the CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) founded by the Decree of the President of Russia in September 2008.

For 85 years, by improving forms of its work, this organization has been conducting an important work focused on development of international humanitarian cooperation, creation of Russia’s circle of friends abroad, promotion of objective information about our country, its rich history and cultural heritage, economic and spiritual potential.

The forum has brought together representatives of legislative and executive powers, NGOs, youth and religious organizations, higher education institutions, creative unions, Russian friendship societies, as well as prominent political and public figures from abroad (totaling 600 people, including 100 foreign guests).