Archives: Rare archives of Nizhniy Novgorod go digital in 2011

6 December 2010

A scientific and practical seminar “Solutions of “Electronic Archive” (ELAR) Corp. for archives” will be held at the Nizhniy Novgorod Central Archive on December 7.

High on the agenda are issues related to equipment, automation and modernization of archives, with a special focus brought to technologies of rendering public e-services by archival institutions. The seminar will become a preparatory stage for digitization of rare documents from archives of Nizhniy Novgorod, which is expected to be launched in 2011.

“The archival holdings of the region number more than 6 mil. documents. The seminar will bring together the head of the Committee for Archival Affairs of Nizhniy Novgorod oblast Boris Pudalov, as well as directors and workers of public archival institutions of Nizhniy Novgorod”, — the message reads.