Russian language: International media forum on problems of Russian language on Internet kicks off in Moscow

3 December 2010
Source: Mediaforum

On December 3 2010 in Moscow kicked off an International media forum “Russian language on Internet: RU-Yes or RU-No?”.

Media forum has been launched by the reference and information Internet portal Gramota.Ru. The event is being carried out with a support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

The media forum pursues the following aims: to identify the problems of modern Russian language related to its functioning on Internet; to find out the degree of influence of Internet communication on the Russian literary language; to boost the potential of thematic Internet resources in lexicographic work and promotion of knowledge about the Russian language; to work out measures to prevent decrease of the general literacy and improve language culture of Internet users.

Forum has invited linguists, developers of web services and socially important web-projects, teachers of the Russian language as native and foreign, students of philological faculties of universities, employees of federal and regional Mass Media (print and electronic), intellectuals (writers, publishers, public figures). Within the framework of the media forum will be launched videoconferencing which will bring together speakers from regions of Russia (Central Federal District, North-Western Federal District), CIS member states and countries of the Far Abroad. 

Issues which have been proposed for discussion to participants of the media forum, are divided into three thematic sections. The first section is called “Distance learning of the Russian language: interactive textbook or interactive teacher?”. High on the agenda at the section are issues related to distance learning of Russian language via Internet resources. The degree of influence of Internet language (including web jargons) on norms of modern Russian literary language is highlighted by the second section – “Literacy in the context of modern information culture: a luxury or necessity?”. During the third section “Language policy on the web: public affair or private initiative?” are discussed areas of cooperation of different organizations and thematic web-resources intended for promotion of knowledge about the Russian language and improvement of language culture of Internet users.