Publishing and Bookselling: International Non/Fiction Fair in Moscow

1 December 2010

On December 1 - 5 2010 Moscow is hosting the 12th International Non/Fiction Fair. Its multifaceted program includes more than 300 events which cast the light on book publishing, bookselling and promotion of high-quality fiction, non-fiction and academic literature.

In 2010 the Non/Fiction Fair will become a platform giving a chance to summarize the results of the cultural program of the Russia-France Year. Visitors of the exposition will have an opportunity to meet and debate with famous French thinkers and intellectuals.

The Austrian Embassy will familiarize Russia’s professionals with book publishing in Austria. Within the framework of the event will be launched presentations, reports, discussions on possibilities of cooperation in the area of copyright with the book publishing industry representatives.

The Frankfurt Book Fair jointly with the British Council will hold roundtable discussions based on the subject of “E-publishing”. This topic will be supported by a number of Russian organizers such as “Eksmo” publishing company, Lookatme portal, and Mobilebooks.