IT and Society: Russia’s e-readers market increases by 250%

31 January 2011

The Smartmarketing analytical group has announced that the share of Russia’s e-readers market in 2010 amounted to 470 000 items. In 2009 Russian customers purchased around 189 000 e-readers, thus the market has roughly increased by 250% as compared to the past year. Growth rates completely correspond to the forecast made by company’s specialists last autumn.

The classification of devices used by analytics features “classical readers” with “electronic ink” displays, as well as “pseudo-readers” – devices with TFT-displays. As for popularity, the latter are greatly inferior to “classical” ones: total sales number around 50 000 TFT-readers.

Preliminary information on market share distribution between producers of popular e-readers shows that PocketBook remains the leader with its 40%. The rest 60% is shared by all other producers (around 30 at the moment), whose share is less than 10%.