Russian culture abroad: Festival of Russian culture launched in France

30 January 2011

Festival of Russian Culture “Russenko” is being held in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (France) on January 28 - 30 2011. 

This year Festival has become even wider in scope covering all the countries with a considerable part of Russian-speaking people. Festival’s program is immensely multifaceted. French public is enjoying the performance of choral and dance groups from Russia, as well as theatrical performances. The mayor’s office has put on display a large exposition of Mikhail Shemyakin’s pictures and other exhibitions featuring photographs of Russia and that on the history of Russian porcelain.

Festival’s program includes Days of Russian Book, colloquium which focused on development of Russia and CIS member states within last two decades, an award ceremony “Rusophonie” for the best translation of the work in Russian language into French. Mayor of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Jean-Luc Laurent mentioned that the city was going to make cultural and economic ties with Russia “the most important component of its program for international cooperation”.