Libraries of Russia: Novosibirsk library’s new building will resemble a pile of books
A famous German architectural firm has become the winner of the contest for the best draft of a new building for the Novosibirsk State Oblast Scientific Library. The results of the contest, which has brought together five Russian and foreign companies, were announced on January 27 2011 by the local town-planning council.
Architects from Germany have come up with a proposal to erect an eleven-storey building in a pile-of-books shape. The building will cover an area of 20 000 m2 and consist of blocks with stained-glass windows and metal structures. The new building of oblast scientific library will be located in the center of the city beside the art museum. Its construction which is scheduled for the next year is said to make use of the latest construction technologies.
The next stage will be creation of an engineering design that will take into account all the features of the site, requirements to construction and its premises, and building materials. As for today the library occupies a three-storey building, that turns out to be unable to house extensive library holdings, including audio- and video materials.