Memory of the world: Exhibition in Strasbourg marks 65th anniversary of Great Victory

28 January 2011

An exhibition “Never again” which marks 65th anniversary of Great Memory has been opened at the Palace of Europe in Strasbourg. It has been launched by the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia and the National Council of Youth and Children’s Public Associations of Russia with a support of a number of state and public associations.

The exhibition is timed to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and sheds the light on World War II. It puts on display information stands with photos that show the feat of Soviet people in the struggle against fascism, liberation of Europe, and lots of materials on undertaken search expeditions.

The exhibition showcases articles of military life, letters from the front, soldiers’ lockets, photos, which captured the stages of unprecedented feat of people in the fight against fascism. Plasma screens display video that shows stages of major battles of World War II. Here you can also see reports on the work of search units, familiarize yourself with an integrated data bank featuring information on the dead and missing during that hard time.