Internet resources: RuTube hits 1 mil. visits per day

22 January 2011
Source: CNews

Popular Russian video sharing and transmitting service RuTube has announced that in December 2010 it hit 1 million visits per day.  At the same time in 2010 RuTube user audience increased by 83%.

On December 26 RuTube service for the first time reached a 1 million level with its audience amounting to 1 006 824 unique users per day. On that day visitors of the video sharing portal viewed 5 179 829 videos. In 2010 RuTube’s monthly audience increased by 64,6%: in January there were 9,9 mil. unique users, while in December — 16,3 mil. The daily audience was growing even faster. By December 2010 it increased by 83% as compared to January, RuTube’s spokesmen say.